Finding Your Body’s Sweet Spot Just Got A Whole Lot Easier

Struggling with weight, mood, and energy?

Let’s balance your body with a powerful bio-individual approach that caters to the specific needs of your unique system.

Hi! I'm Kate!

Certified Health Coach and Seeker of Balance

And I believe that feeling good in your body shouldn’t be a full-time job.

But let’s be real… working hard to feel good, do good, and look good is no simple task as time ticks on. My early 40s can attest to that - my metabolism went on permanent vacation, my energy tanked, and my fluctuating moods were no joke. 

I didn’t feel like myself anymore and as things came to a head, I was faced with a choice; either carry on living in this new normal, aka super-bleak reality, or… pivot and adapt. I couldn’t bear the idea of spending the rest of my life struggling through the misery of yo-yo diets, low energy, and cranky, flat moods, so... I committed to change.  

But first, I had to figure out what my 40+ self wanted and needed and more importantly, to understand what was actually attainable and sustainable for me and my body. From there, I knew I could set realistic goals that meshed with my lifestyle, motivation, and capacity. 

And so, I began my own journey and now I’m here to help guide yours.

What Clients Say

Tired of feeling like BLEEEEEP?

(and want to do something about it?)

Every client is different and seeking out YOUR body’s individual needs is where we’ll start. Let’s set some goals and get your body back to working for you, not against you

Free Recipe Book

5 Tasty Good-For-You Desserts

Keep your sweet tooth happy! Make treats that:

  • Won’t trigger cravings
  • Won’t lead to weight-gain
  • Contain energy-boosting, mood-sustaining ingredients
  • Will keep your body functioning efficiently

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